Consulting in Toxicology and Product Safety Assessment

TOXCOR ASSOCIATES, INC., since 1995, provides consulting services in toxicology and product safety assessment to the cosmetic, personal care product, consumer healthcare, pharmaceutical, household product, and art material industries. We focus on ingredient and product toxicological risk and safety assessment, and strategic planning and managing of product safety evaluation and toxicology research programs that are successful in meeting industry and regulatory requirements. TOXCOR ASSOCIATES, INC. is a member of the cosmetic and personal care products industry’s trade association Personal Care Products Council (PCPC).

Marvin Kaminsky, Ph.D., D.A.B.T., ERT, F.R.S.C., the president of TOXCOR ASSOCIATES, INC. is board certified by the American Board of Toxicology since 1980, is a UK and EU Registered toxicologist and is a Fellow in the British Royal Society of Chemistry. Dr. Kaminsky has over 40 years of experience in industry and consulting, and has a successful track record in toxicology, and in product safety assessment and evaluation. He has authored numerous papers and publications in toxicology and has served as adjunct faculty in toxicology at several universities. He is on the the Personal Care Products Council’s Safety and Regulatory Toxicology Committee which he chaired from 1992 to 1994.  His experience enables TOXCOR ASSOCIATES, INC., to successfully carry out risk and safety assessments, develop safety assessment and evaluation strategies, and provide the expertise to specifically meet our client's needs and objectives in a cost effective manner.

Services Provided:

Safety assessments on cosmetic products as required by the FDA's Modernization of Cosmetic Regulations Act (MoCRA).

Safety assessment on cosmetic products according to the European Union (EU) Cosmetic Directives.

Toxicological safety assessment of product ingredients.

Toxicological risk and safety assessment of excipients and impurities.

Safety assessment of OTC pharmacuticals.

Safety assessments of art materials under LHAMA.

Safety assessment of household products under the Consumer Products Safety Commission's Federal Hazardous Substances Act.

California Proposition 65 compliance.

Toxicological and safety data interpretation.

Expert report writing.

For further information and to find out how TOXCOR ASSOCIATES can provide your toxicological and safety assessment needs contact 

Marvin Kaminsky, Ph.D., D.A.B.T., ERT., F.R.S.C.
Toxcor Associates, Inc. 
P.O. Box 454
Flanders, NJ 07826
Tel: 973-252-0204/ Cell: 973-479-0220